How to run substrate nodes on M1 mac

Kentaro Vadney
May 25, 2021
The M1 chip

Hello everyone, there’s been a couple repos incompatible with the new M1 chip by apple, and the substrate nodes used be one of them. There’s been a couple of hacks but they seem to not work anymore. However, there’s a new way to get the nodes running on an M1!

here are the simple steps to get the substrate-node-template to run on an M1 chip:

  1. clone the repo
  2. cd ~/.cargo/registry/src/
  3. ctl-f to find and replace __rip with __pc

and it should work!

Another common issue is that librocksdb-sys is set to install version 6.11, which is incompatible with M1. upgrade the requirement to 6.17 to fix this issue.

Read here for the full issue and response

Have a good day!



Kentaro Vadney

Loves working out, system design, making eggs, and learning new things!